26.09.2019 • 

Let c(x) represent the cost of producing x items and p(x) be the sale price per item if x items are sold. the profit p(x) of selling x items is p(x)=xp(x)-c(x) (revenue minus costs). the average profit per item when x items are sold is p(x)/(x) and the marginal profit is dp/dx. the marginal profit approximates the profit obtained by selling one more item given that x items have already been sold. consider the following cost functions c and price function p.c(x)=-0.02x^2+40x+80, p(x)=100, a=500a) what is the profit function p.p(x)=? b) find the average profit function and marginal profit function.average profit function: p(x)/(x)=? marginal profit function: dp/dx=? c

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