25.10.2021 • 

Let {U1,U2} and {v1,v2} be ordered bases for R2 where Let u1= 1/3 Let U2=2/7 and v1=5/2 v2= 4/9
(a) Determine the transition matrix corresponding to a change of basis from the standard basis {e1,e2} to the ordered basis {u1,u2}. Use this transition matrix to find the coordinate of x=(1,1)T with respect to {u1,u2}.
(b) Determin the transition matrix corresponding to a change of basis from the basis {v1,v2} to the ordered basis {u1,u2}. Use this transition matrix to find the coordinates of z= 2v1+3v2 with respect to (u1,u2}.

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