26.06.2019 • 

Louise is building a guitar-like instrument. it has small metal bars, called frets, positioned across its neck so that it can produce notes of a specific scale on each string. the distance a fret should be placed from the bridge is related to the string’s root note length by the function d(n) = r ( 2^-n/12 ), where r is the length of the root note string and n is the number of notes higher than the string’s root note. louise wants to know where to place frets to produce notes on a 50-cm string. 1. find the distance from the bridge for a fret that produces a note exactly one octave (12 notes) higher than the root note . a . substitute values for r and n in the given function . b . how far from the bridge should the fret be placed? c . what fraction of the string length is the distance of this fret from the bridge?

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