27.04.2021 • 

Marine biologists have determined that when a shark detectsthe presence of blood in the water, it will swim in the directionin which the concentration of the blood increases mostrapidly. Based on certain tests in seawater, theconcentration of blood(in parts per million) at point P(x,y) on thesurface is approximated by: C(x,y)= e^- (x^2+2y^2).10^4

where x and y are measured in meters in a rectangularcoordinate system with the blood source at the origin.
a. Identify the level curves of the concentration function andsketch several members of this family together with a path that ashark will follow to the source.
b. Suppose a shark is at the point (xo, yo) when it first detects the presenceof blood in the water. Find an equation of the shark's path bysetting up and solving a differential equation.

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