18.07.2019 • 

Math 001-(st 10] 18. the woodstock plant of okanagan college july 14. 3017 gloodstone tires manufactures a snsle line st line of wntomobile tires in its first fiscal quarter, the plas $900,000 from the prod net incone was $700,000 fron the wrodaction and sale of td selling price, the total revense in the second quarter, the total fixed costs per calendar qnarter e, the plast had total revenue of $4,500,000 n wet couse of tires. in the subsequent qpuarter, the production and sale of 50,000 tires. calculate the t secoud quarte tire, and thbe prouction and sale of 60.000 es, in the subsequent quarter er, the variable costs per space for answer contiues on next age

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