17.01.2020 • 

"mother, mother," gregor murmured, looking up at her. for
an instant, the office manager had entirely slipped his
mind; on the other hand, gregor could not snapping
his jaws a few times at the sight of the flowing coffee. this
prompted the mother to scream again, flee from the table,
and collapse into the father's arms as he came dashing up
to her.
- joachim neugroschel, trans., the metamorphosis
"mother, mother," said gregor gently, looking up at her. he
had completely forgotten the chief clerk for the moment,
but could not himself snapping in the air with his jaws
at the sight of the flow of coffee. that set his mother
screaming anew, she fled from the table and into the arms
of his father as he rushed towards her.
-david wyllie, trans., the metamorphosis
how does wyllie's translation of the metamorphosis make gregor seem
more connected to his family than neugroschel's does?

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