28.03.2021 • 

Mr. Bickford is throwing a party for his 5th and 6th period Algebra classes. The students were given the choice to eat pizza or tacos. Mr. Bickford constructed a frequency table to analyze the students' choices.

Which statements are true in this situation? Percentages have been rounded to the nearest percent. Select all that

About 64% of the students that chose pizza are in 5th period.

About 64% of the students in 5th period chose pizza.

Mr. Bickford should bring tacos for both classes because a higher number of students prefer tacos in each class period.

The relative frequency of 16/23 refers to the number of students that prefer tacos in Mr. Bickford's 6th period class.

28% of the students that prefer pizza are in 6th period.

Mr. Bickford is throwing a party for his 5th and 6th period Algebra classes. The students were give

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