08.04.2021 • 

Much thought and planning needs to go into operating a water park in a water-scarce area. Believe it or not, there is such a place in Dubai. The water park there is designed to utilize and promote water conservation. You might ask yourself, How can a water park promote water conservation? This particular water park uses water conservation, filtration, and mechanical systems to prevent the waste of water. For example, the park uses automatic water-level control units to maintain water levels, provide fresh water, and prevent water from overflowing in pools.
To prevent excessive evaporation, the park is well equipped with shade, high rock walls, and grottos, which minimize the amount of direct sunlight projected onto the water.
In addition, the park installed a new backwash filtration system that is believed to use 90% less water than sand filtration systems.
The park also uses a sterilization system that helps keep the water safe and allows for the use of fewer chemicals.
Even though it is a water park, it pledges to prove its solidarity with global energy conservation.
Based on information from the lesson and the passage, what are some negative effects of having a water park in Dubai?
increased water restrictions
increased energy bills
decreased amounts of fresh water
decreased water value
increased amounts of fresh water\

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