08.07.2019 • 

Need simplify 3 - )] a. 4 b. -4 c. 2 d. -2 simplify |-1| + |0.8| a. 1.8 b. 0.2 c. -0.2 d. -0.8 evaluate the expression if d = 3 |d| a. -3 b. 0 c. 1 d. 3 solve the equation with the replacement set {-76, -8, 8, 76} |42 - x| = 34 a. 8 b. 76 c. -8, 8 d. 8, 76 solve the equation with the replacement set {-43, -7, 7, 43} |25 - x| = 18 a. -7, 7 b. 7, 43 c. 7 d. 43

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