06.05.2020 • 


You surveyed a representative sample of the football players on the team to collect data about the number of touchdowns were scored. Estimate about how many of the 62 Falcons have scored exactly 3 or more touchdowns from last season. Show your work.

Touchdowns Score Last Season

Number of Touchdowns Number of Players/Falcons

1 9

2 12

3 or more 7

Response and work:

Part II

Using the representative sample data from the Falcons and the New England Patriots to compare the yardage of its receivers.

Atlanta Falcons Total Yardage New England Patriots Total Yardage

1444 1084

703 1082

526 659

378 439

317 429

299 254

221 214

122 194

60 86

30 53

20 42

14 38

12 23



a. Create overlapping box and whisker plots to compare the Falcons to the Patriots. Using the median, which team appears to have the larger yardage? Does one group seem to have greater variability in its yardage than the other, or do the two groups look similar in that regard? Round answers to the nearest tenth.

b. Compute and state the mean as well as the interquartile range (IQR) for each group. Does these values support your answers in part (a)?

c. Based on your data, if these two teams were to compete, which team would you predict to gain the most yardage? Justify your answer using mathematical evidence.

d. Approximate the difference of the medians as a multiple of the interquartile range for the Atlanta Falcons. Show your work and round answer to the nearest tenth.

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