19.11.2019 • 

Pixxa proportions performance task
the problem: you are having a pieza party to celebrate the end of school. you
have mvited 20 people (plus yourself). as of today only 13 people (14 including
yourseln) have sent an rsvp saying they will come. you can order pizza from pizza
mut or from papa john's. they each have a special going on for medium pizzas
your work. you must use the cost information given to complete the tables
below. you must show how much it will cost to buy enough pizza for everyone who
might come, enough pusa for everyone who has agreed to come, and show the
amounts in the table, along with the price given by the pizza place
your solution: onee you complete your work, you must state in complete
sentences where you will buy your pleza and why. your answer must include infor
mation about the cost of one pizza from each place. (hint you don't have to pick
the cheapest one, but if you didn't, you have to explain why you didn't and tell which
one would be cheapesti)
pizza hut
papa john's
sa 29 eacn

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