PLEASE HELP ALMOST DUE its easy just answer the last two questions and show ur work. PLEASE GIVIN BRANILY. on planting flowers. You have two flowerbeds where you want the same ratio for tulips to daffodils. In one of these flowerbeds you have 6 tulips and 8 daffodils. The other flowerbed you have 4 daffodils.

How many tulips should there be in the second flowerbed to have the same ratio of tulips and daffodils as the first flower bed?
Six tulips and eight daffodils or 6/8

How many total daffodils are used in these two flowerbeds?
8x/24 x/3 = 4 You get 4

How many total tulips are to be used in these two flowerbeds?
The second flower bed has 3 tulips. There are a total of 12 daffodils and 9 tulips.

How many of each do we have left to use in the remaining flowerbed?
So we have a total of 21 flowers in the 2 flower beds so 21 - 24 = 3 which leave 3 flowers.

ANSWER these only easy The flowers are supposed to get 1.5 cups of water per plant. You have a 3-quart water pail.

How many flowers can you water before having to go back to fill up your pail?

After a few days 1/4 of all your tulips and 1/2 of all your daffodils died.
How many tulips and how many daffodils do you need to purchase of each kind of plant to replace the flowers that died?

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