08.11.2020 • 

PLEASE HELP ME: A robot is put into a maze, it can only go N, E, S, and West. The value i represents the north, and the magnitude is equal to 1. I have figured out that N= i, East= 1, South= -i, and West= -1. When programming the robot, let the complex number d represent the direction the robot is facing. As the robot changes direction, the value of d will also change; so, the value of d is dependent on where the robot is in the maze. When the robot makes a turn, it would be useful to have an operation to perform on d to represent this turn. This is because after making a turn, the new value of d will depend on the old value of d. Complete the table for the new values of d if the robot is turning left or right. Then determine an expression in terms of d that will give the new position if the robot turns left and another expression if the robot turns right. Type these expressions in the last row of the table. Initial d | Left turn | Right turn

-1 | ? | ?

1 | ? | ?

i | ? | ?

-i | ? | ?


I think I have figured out the values of the left and right turns of the initial d's but PLEASE HELP ME with the expressions :

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