18.07.2020 • 

Please PLEASE help MC The faculty members at McAdenville High School want to determine whether there are enough students to have a Winter Formal. Sixty-three of the 150 students surveyed said they would attend the Winter Formal. Construct and interpret a 99% confidence interval for p.

The 99% confidence interval is (0.3162 0.6230) We are confident the true proportion of students attending the Winter Formal is between 31.62% and 52.38%

B. The 99% confidence interval is (0.3162, 0.5238). There is a 99% chance that a randomly selected student who will attend the Winter Formal lies between 31.62% and 52.38%.

C. The confidence intervalis (0.3162,0.5238). Ninety nine percent of all samles of this size will yield confidence interval of (0.3162,06230)
The confidence interval of (0.3162, 0.5238).

D. The 99% confidence interval is (0.4762, 0.6838).
We are 99% confident that the true proportion of
students attending the Winter Formal is between 47.62% and 68.38%

E. The 99% confidence interval is (0.4762, 0.6838). Ninety-nine percent of all samples of this size will yield a confidence interval of (0.4762, 0.6838)

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