03.03.2021 • 

PLZ HELP!! I will award brainliest Create a math question. It must include a binomial random variable and the proportion estimator. It should be framed similarity to the example question:

According to government data, 22% of American children under the age of 6 live in households with incomes less than the official poverty level. A study of learning in early childhood chooses an SRS of 300 children from one state and finds that p = 0.29

a) Find the probability that at least 29% of the sample are from poverty-level households, assuming that 22% of all children under the age of 6 live in poverty-level households.

b) based on your answer to part a, is there convincing evidence that the percentage of children under the age of 6 living in households with incomes less than the official poverty level in this state greater than the national value of 22%? Explain your reasoning.

Again you don't have to solve the above question, the new question you create should just be framed similarly. And please provide answers to your created question.

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