10.09.2020 • 

Portal Ecam 01.07 Algebra Ba X
https://thests 12.flvs.net/educator/student/excamform.cgilmpickles-barnsworth mpos 48spos=0&stweSUS OC 48700007
me Grades 9-12
Algebra 1 V23, Meaghan Pickles (487015) -
Theresa Roxane bere exam that you MUST GORROSUSO uns examenu Oyuse yon De
Banca Famsworth
Question 1 Multiple Choice Worth 1 points)
(01.03 MC)
The perimeter of a rectangle can be found using the equation P = 2L+2W where P is the perimeter L is the length and W is the width of the rectangle. Can the perimeter of the
rectangle be 64 units when its width is 11 units and its length is 20 units?
No. If the length is 20 and the width is 11, the perimeter is P = 20 + 22 = 42. not 64
O No. If the length is 20 and the width is 11. the perimeter is P = 40 + 22 = 62, not 64
Yes. If the perimeter is 64 units and the width is 11 units, then P+Wis greater than 40
Yes. If the perimeter is 64 units and the width is 11 units then P+W is less than 40

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