29.09.2021 • 

PSSR#2 Satta Trees In 1912. Japan gave the United States several thousand flowering cherry trees as a symbol of friendship.

Similarly, the nation of Cameroon plans to give flowering Satta trees to other countries this year. When

asked how to decide which Satta Tress make good gifts, Cameroon's chief arborist explained:

"We plant Satta trees when they are 6 cm tall, and they

grow 9cm every year. The trees only power when they are

taller than 150 cm.

"When the trees become very old, they stop flowering. Make

sure you choose trees that are no more than 240 cm tall!"

It is very important that the trees Cameroon gives flower this

year! It would be considered an insult to receive a tree that

did not bloom. Luckily, Cameroon has many groves of Satta trees from which to select its gifts. How old

must the trees be so that they will flower within the year?

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