04.02.2021 • 

Question4 The equation of a circle in general form is Ax2 + By2 + Cx + Dy + E = 0, where A = B ≠ 0. How do the coefficients C and D change as the center of the circle crosses over the x- and y-axes? How do the coefficients C and D change if the radius of the circle changes? Experiment with different circles using the general form of the equation in GeoGebra, if you wish. I have the answer its below

If the center of the circle is to the right of the y-axis, C is negative and its absolute value increases as the center moves to the right. If the center is to the left of the y-axis, C is positive and its value decreases as the center moves to the right. D does not change when the center moves horizontally.

If the center of the circle is above the x-axis, D is negative and its absolute value increases as the center moves up. If the center is below the y-axis, D is positive and its value decreases as the center moves up. C does not change when the center moves vertically.

The values of C and D are not affected when the radius changes, as long as the center stays the same.

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