14.02.2020 • 

R Problem Old Faithful is a geyser located in Yellowstone Nation Park in Wyoming. It received the name "Old Faithful" by the Washburn-Langford-Doane expedition, who noted that the geyser seemed to erupt at regular intervals. In this problem, we will use data collected by park rangers to analyze whether the eruptions are as regular as originally thought. If you feel so inclined, you can watch Old Faithful in real time at the National Park Service website. The dataset is available on Canvas and has 2 columns and 272 rows. Observations are organized by row - the first column gives the length of the eruption (in minutes), while the second columin gives the waiting time (in minutes) since the previous eruption...Use the R function read.table to import the data set. If you don't know how it works, use help(read.table) to check the usage.

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