22.10.2020 • 

Read 3 integer numbers from the user; these numbers represent the lengths of 3 straight lines. From the 3 lengths, determine whether a triangle can be formed with the corresponding lines. If it is possible to form a triangle, determine whether the triangle is a right triangle or not. The rules to be used are: 1. To form a triangle where all lines’ ends meet (form vertices), the sum of the lengths of two sides must be greater than the length of the third side. This short video illustrates this concept: How to determine if the three sides make up a triangle. 2. Per the Pythagorean theorem: in a straight triangle, the square of the length of the longest side (the hypotenuse) is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides. 3. The user can enter the lengths of each line in any order, i.e.: you may not assume that the first length is the longest or the smallest or the middle value.

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