17.08.2021 • 

Refer to the following regression results. The dependent variable is Abort (the number of abortions per 1000 women of childbearing age). The regression was estimated using data for the 50 U.S. states with these predictors: EdSpend = public K − 12 school expenditure per capita, Age = median age of population, Unmar = percent of total births by unmarried women, Infmor = infant mortality rate in deaths per 1000 live births. Variable Coefficients Standard Error t-Stat Intercept −19.244 25.387 −0.758 EdSpend 0.0080040 0.0054472 1.469 Age 0.76012 0.66914 1.136 Unmar 0.98629 0.22132 4.456 InfMor −3.7848 1.0173 −3.720 Which statement is not supported by a two-tailed test?

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