03.05.2020 • 

Scientific Method is a set of steps that scientists use in order to learn more about something. By following
out our
the scientific method, scientists can gather information, perform experiments, and discover
world. Read the text below. Then match each statement with the number of the correct se
method. The scientific method follows this general pattern:

1. Identify a problem or question
research information about the problem or question
3. generate a hypothesis about the problem or question
4. design and perform an experiment
5. gather and analyze observations from the experiment
6. draw conclusions that are supported by your experiment

_____Elissa hypothesizes that crickets make more noise on hot nights than on cool nights.

_______Elissa counts the number of chirps made by two groups of crickets. One group of crickets is in a cool cage

and one group is in a warm cage. There are five crickets in each cage and she counts for 30 minutes

________Elissa goes to the library to read information in an encyclopedia about the habits ofcrickets.

________Elissa wonders what causes crickets to make more noise some night than others

________Elissa makes a chart of the number of chirps made by the two groups of crickets and compares the finding

_______Elissa concludes that crickets chirp more often on hot nights than on cool nights.

What is the independent variable?

What is the dependent variable?___________________

Scientific Method is a set of steps that scientists use in order to learn more about something. By f

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