09.07.2021 • 

Securly depas completion of job Posting for Mixed Transactions RAPORE The following transactions are given to you. All the transactions are recorded as budget release after their payment by DTCO: Poush 1 Issued a payment order to DTCO for issuing a cheque of Rs.1,000 to accountant Mr. Rajesh as advance for travelling expenses. Poush 10 Issued a payment order for the payment of Rs.4,500 for purchase of office furniture. Poush 20 Issued a payment order of Rs.31,000 for distributing the employee remuneration for the month of Marga after deducting Rs.8,000 for provident fund, Rs. 400 for social security tax, Rs. 2,000 for income tax and Rs. 2,600 for citizen investment fund. The deducted amounts were deposited in the concerned accounts on the same day. Poush 29 Accountant Rajesh submitted the bill of travelling expenses of Rs.1,200 and his advance was cleared by issuing a payment order for the excess amount of expenditure, Required: a) Journal vouchers b) Bank cash book Sortie Central/Province/Local Level AGF No. 2​

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