06.05.2020 • 

Select the correct answer. Weight/Calories per Day 1000 to 1500 cal. 1500 to 2000 cal. 2000 to 2500 cal. Total 120 lb. 90 80 10 180 145 lb. 35 143 25 203 165 lb. 15 27 75 117 Total 140 250 110 500 Based on the data in the two-way table, which statement is true? A. P(consumes 1,000−1,500 calories|weight is 165) = P(consumes 1,000−1,500 calories) B. P(weight is 120 lb.|consumes 2,000−2,500 calories) ≠ P(weight is 120 lb.) C. P(weight is 165 lb.|consumes 1,000−2,000 calories) = P(weight is 165 lb.) D. P(weight is 145 lb.|consumes 1,000−2,000 calories) = P(consumes 1,000−2,000 calories)

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