18.11.2020 • 

Simply Square Roots Your work with the Pythagorean theorem has led to many answers
involving square roots. Now you will investigate some general questions
about the square-root function. Then you will apply your results to
specific problems
Investigate Questions 1, 2, and 3 by testing specific numbers and
looking for general principles. In other words, choose specific numbers
for a and b in each case, and see whether the property is true or not.
For example, in Question 1, you might find the values of V7+ 10 and
V7 + V10 and compare them. Then try other examples.
For each question, state any general conclusions you reach.
1. Is the square root of a sum equal to the sum of the square roots? In
other words, is va + b the same as vā + vb?
2. Is the square root of a product equal to the product of the square
roots? In other words, is Va. b the same as vā. V b?
3. Is the square root of a quotient equal to the quotient of the square
roots? In other words, is the same as
4. Write each square-root expression in a different way. Explain your
answer in terms of your results for Questions 1. 2. and 3.
a. V 253 b. V 19.5
d. Vi
1. Va
c. V 18

Simply Square Roots

Your work with the Pythagorean theorem has led to many answers
involving squa

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