17.06.2021 • 

Since opening night, attendance at Play A has increased steadily, while attendance at Play B rose and then fell. Equations modeling the daily attendance y at each play are shown below, where x is the number of days since opening night. On what day(s) was the attendance the same at both plays? What was the attendance? Play A: y=7x+84
Play B: y=-x^2+40x-6

A. The attendance was the same on day 30. The attendance was 294 at both plays that day.

B. The attendance was the same on day 3. The attendance was 105 at both plays that day.

C. The attendance was never the same at both plays.

D. The attendance was the same on days 3 and 30. The attendance at both plays on those days was 105 and 294 respectively

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