30.10.2021 • 

Summarizing what you can from each data set and then compare the two data sets. Be sure to include some speculation on the circumstances that could have led to these results. Realize this isn’t intended for you to explain how you made the graphs/charts or how you computed the mean, standard deviation, etc but is intended to explain what the graphs/charts and values are telling us. You will Ainish this assignment with a discussion of the limitations of the current data and how this could be extended to have a deeper discussion. You will probably need at least 1 paragraph to discuss each data set followed by a paragraph where you compare the two data sets. In this explanation you should make some guesses to explain why the data is what it is (some conclusions/ predictions) but be clear what is given by the data vs what is speculation. You should think of yourself as a student and discuss which class you might prefer to be in. You should also think of yourself as the instructor and discuss how you might interpret the results and the overall class performance. You’ll probably need at least 1 more paragraph to discuss limitations and extensions and then Ainish with your conclusion.

Summarizing what you can from each data set and then compare the two data sets. Be sure to include

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