18.06.2020 • 

Suppose you observe a sample data set consisting of =64 inter-arrival times 1,…,64 for the subway, measured in minutes. As before, we assume the statistical model that 1,…,64∼exp() for some unknown parameter >0. In this data set, you observe that the sample mean is 164∑64=1=7.8.Additional Instructions: For best results, please adhere to the following guidelines and reminders:For the upcoming calculations, please truncate /2 at 2 decimal places, instead of a more exact value. For example, if /2=3.84941, use 3.84 instead of 3.85 or 3.849.Input answers truncated at 4 decimal places. For example, if your calculations yield 11.327458, use 11.3274 instead of 11.3275 or 11.32745.You will be computing CIs at asymptotic level 90%.Using the ‘solve method' (refer to the slide ‘Three solutions'), construct a confidence interval I solve with asymptotic level 90% for the unknown parameter .[ , ]Using the ‘plug-in method' I plug-in (refer to the slide ‘Three solutions'), construct a confidence interval with asymptotic level 90% for the unknown parameter .[ , ]Which interval is narrower?I solve orI plug-in?Which of these confidence intervals is centered about the sample estimate, lamba hat sub n?i solveI plug-inBothNeither?

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