18.03.2021 • 

Suppose you work for the Department of Forestry and have been called in to cut down a diseased tree at a summer camp. The tree is quite tall and is in an area surrounded by cabins.
You measured the distance from the base of the tree to the nearby cabins, and you found that
the cabins will be safe if the tree falls within 200.5 feet of its base.
Is it safe to cut the tree at ground level?
If not, how high up the trunk must you cut to guarantee that the tip of
the tree will hit the ground within the safe zone?

In the early afternoon, you find that a 96-inch fence post casts a 36-inch shadow at the same time the
diseased tree casts a 70.7-foot shadow.
Find the height of the tree and determine whether it is safe to cut the tree at ground level or not.

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