04.02.2021 • 

Tbh can we normalize litterally being ourselve no matter the event or case or whoever t f your hanging out with. this generation wants to get at anyone for j breathing a certain way. can we all chill and let ppl be who ever t f they wanna be, like thats not your choice. let ppl be it isnt hurting you. what ppl wanna wear, who ppl wanna love doesnt have anything to do with you. if they wanna wear a dress, let them. and like clothing has no fkn gender can we let that go. this generation has two side, toxic a s f and understanding. i think we all j need to calm down. anyways if u dont like what im saying then j ignore it, im not for arguing rn. we j need to chill t f out and f.u..c.k it, alot of parents dont accept ppl for being who they are, or who they wanna be so can we accept each other please. oh that makes feel so much better o m f. g

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