16.07.2019 • 

Tennis magazine (feb. 2000) claims that “tennis players who tie the knot often see their games unravel.” (in other words the player’s game worsens just after marriage) use data in ‘tennis’ sheet which lists a sample of former players and their rankings on their wedding days and on their first anniversaries. (if you are interested, try reading a journal article by farrelly and nettle. it discusses some topics which we did not cover in class though! ) a. construct a scattergram from the given data. does it tend to support, or refute the magazine’s claim? justify your answer. b. use simple linear regression to model the relationship between wedding day ranking (x) and first anniversary ranking (y). c. does the linear model you developed in part b contribute information for predicting players’ rankings on their first anniversaries? test at 5% significance level. d. if the player rankings don’t change (on average) after getting married, what would the true values of β0 and β1 be?

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