The accompanying summary data on total cholesterol level (mmol/l) was obtained from a sample of Asian postmenopausal women who were vegans and another sample of such women who were omnivores. Diet: Vegan, Omnivore. Sample Size: vegan- 82, omni- 96. Sample Mean: vegan-5.3, omni- 5.75. Sample SD: vegan- 1.09, omnivore- 1.10. Calculate a 99% CI for the difference between population mean total cholesterol level for vegans and population mean total cholesterol level for omnivores. (Use μVegan − μOmnivore. Round your answers to three decimal places.)

(-.875 , -.025)(mmol/l)

Interpret the interval.

A)We are 99% confident that the true average cholesterol level for vegans is greater than that of omnivores by an amount within the confidence interval.

B)We are 99% confident that the true average cholesterol level for vegans is greater than that of omnivores by an amount outside the confidence interval.

C)We are 99% confident that the true average cholesterol level for vegans is less than that of omnivores by an amount within the confidence interval.

D)We cannot draw a conclusion from the given information.

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