17.04.2020 • 

The class president, vice president, and treasurer of a high school count
the ballots for homecoming court. The election result is generally kept a
secret by those three people until the pep rally, when the winner is announced to the
entire senior class. Unfortunately, this year's ballot counters are not very good at
keeping a secret. The very first day, each ballot counter tells two of their friends the
election results making their vow not to spread the results.
However, their friends cannot keep a secret either and the following day each of their
friends shares the election result with two people who don't know. Unfortunately, this
pattern continues...
Let x = number of days the results spread y = number of new people who hear about
the secret that day.
If the results spread for 7 days and the senior class has 950 students, How many
seniors do NOT know the results at the start of the pep rally?
*Hint: you need to ADD together how many people find out each day + the original ballot counters
I need to show work

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