06.05.2020 • 

The following estimated regression equation was developed for a model involving two independent variables.

y hat = 40.7 + 8.63x1 +2.71x2

After x2 was dropped from the model, the least squares method was used to obtain an estimated regression equation involving only x1 as an independent variable.

y hat = 42.0 + 9.01x1

a. In the two independent variable case, the coefficient x1 represents the expected change in - Select your answer -yx1x2Item 1corresponding to a one unit increase in - Select your answer -yx1x2Item 2 when - Select your answer -yx1x2Item 3 is held constant.

In the single independent variable case, the coefficient x1 represents the expected change in - Select your answer -yx1x2Item 4corresponding to a one unit increase in - Select your answer -yx1x2Item 5 .

b. Could multicollinearity explain why the coefficient of x1 differs in the two models? Assume that x1 and x2 are correlated.
- Select your answer -Yes, because a change in x1 would be accompanied by a change in x2Yes, because a change in x1 would not be accompanied by a change in x2

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