26.05.2020 • 

The inner red dot is called the double bull's-eye, and its outer edge is 0.5 inch from the
center. The green ring around the double bull's-eye is called the bull's-eye, and its outer
edge is 1 inch from the center. The inner red and green ring is the triple score ring. This
ring is 0.5 inches wide, and its outside edge is 5 inches from the center. The outer red
and green ring is the double score ring. This ring is 0.5 inches wide, and its outside edge is 8 inches from the center. The double score ring is the outer edge of the scoring area.Use this information to answer the questions that follow.

A. What is the exact area of the total scoring portion of the board?

B.What is the area of the board inside the triple score ring,including the ring?

C.What is the area of the board inside the triple score ring,not including the ring?

D.Based on your answer for part b and c,what is the area of the triple score ring?

The inner red dot is called the double bull's-eye, and its outer edge is 0.5 inch from thecenter. T

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