20.08.2021 • 

The latest Harry Potter novel has just arrived and by 11 a.m. a line has formed outside the store. Knowing you have class at noon, you ask the guard at the door how long you can expect to wait. She provides you with the following information: Due to cover restrictions she is permitted to let 6 people into the bookstore only after 6 people have left: customers are leaving at the rate of 2 customers per minute; and she has just let 6 new customers in. Also, each customer spends an average of 15 minutes browsing at books and 10 minutes waiting in line to check out. Currently 38 people are ahead of you in line. You know that it is a 10 minute walk to your noon class. Can you buy your book and still expect to make it to your noon class on time? Use the following questions to guide you in solving this problem. What was your initial reaction after reading this problem

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