18.03.2021 • 

The pension plans for two individuals are listed below. Read through the details and answer the questions that follow (be thorough in your answer, however your calculations will be on the work you turn in).
• Maria's employer has a pension plan that pays her a flat rate of $96 per month for each year she worked. Maria has been with this company for 31 years,
and her final salary was $54,500.
. Isaiah's employer has a pension plan that pays 2.25% of the average of his highest three-year salary for every year worked. Isaiah has been with this
company for 28 years, and his last three years' salaries were $77,500; $81,000; and $81,500.
1. Identify the pension each person will receive
2. Who receives the better pension (defined as the person's whose income dropped the least in terms of percentage)

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