23.06.2020 • 

The personnel department of a large manufacturing firm selected a random sample of 23 workers. The workers were interviewed and given several tests. On the basis of the test results, the following variables were investigated: X2 = manual dexterity score, X3 = mental aptitude score, and X4 = personnel assessment score. Subsequently, the workers were observed in order to determine the average number of units of work completed (Y) in a given time period for each worker. Regression analysis yielded these results: Y = -212 + 1.90X2 + 2.00X3 + 0.25X4, R2 = .75. (.050) (.060) (.20) What is the correct estimate for the number of units of work completed by a worker with a manual dexterity score of 100, a mental aptitude score of 80 and a personnel assessment score of 10?

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