22.02.2021 • 

The Provincial Disaster and Risk Reduction Management Committee advised the residents living within the 10 km radius critical area to evacuate due to eminent eruption of a volcano. On the map that is drawn on a coordinate plane, the coordinates corresponding to the location of the volcano is (3, 4). a. If each unit on the coordinate plane is equivalent to 1 km, what is the equation of the circle enclosing the critical area?
b. Suppose you live at point (11, 6). Would you follow the advice of PDRRMC? Why?
c. In times of eminent disaster, what precautionary measures should you take to be safe?
d . Suppose you are the leader of a two-way radio team with 15 members that is tasked to give warnings to the residents living within the critical area. Where would you position each member of the team who is tasked to inform the other members as regards the current situation and to warn the residents living within his/her assigned area? Explain your answer.

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