19.02.2020 • 

The times and amplitude of neap tides, the low amplitude tides that occur during first and third quarters of the lunar month, are due to not only the cancellation of the tidal forces of the Sun and the Moon but also a host of factors—amphidromic systems, the shape of coastline, and near-shore bathymetry—any of which can lead to significant fluctuations in the time and amplitude of neap tides only miles apart.

due to not only the cancellation of the tidal forces of the Sun and the Moon but also a host of factors—amphidromic systems, the shape of coastline, and near-shore bathymetry—any of which can

attributed not only to the cancelling of the Sun and Moon’s tidal forces but also to a host of factors, including amphidromic systems, the shape of coastline and near-shore bathymetry, which can

attributed to not only the cancellation of the tidal forces of the Sun and the Moon but also to a host of factors—amphidromic systems, the shape of coastline, and near-shore bathymetry—these can

not only because of the tidal forces of the Sun and the Moon that have been cancelled but also a host of factors: amphidromic systems, the shape of the coastline, and near-shores bathymetry, any of which can

due to the cancellation of not only the tidal forces of the Sun and the Moon but also to a host of factors, which includes amphidromic systems, the shape of coastline and near-shore bathymetry; any of which

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