24.11.2020 • 

The top of a 16-ounce can of a drink is three times thicker than the sides and bottom (SO that the flip-top opener will work properly), and the can has a volume of 473 cubic
centimeters. What should the radius and height of the can be in order to use the least
possible amount of metal? [ Assume that the entire can is made from a single sheet of
#metal, with three layers being used for the top.]
A) r = 3 cm; h = 16.73 cm
B)=3.5 cm; h = 12.29 cm
C)=3.35 cm; h = 13.41 cm
D)= 4.35 cm; h = 14.41 cm
E)= 6.7 cm; h= 3.35 cm

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