02.12.2019 • 

The university of fountain lakes has just placed an advertisement in various school magazines, looking to recruit new students. at one stage in the ad, the following claim is made: "a whopping 85% of our graduate students go on to achieve proessional employment within 6 months of graduation! "there is a footnote at the bottom of the ad which qualifies this boast: "note: a 95% confidence interval was constructed and we found that the proportion of students going on to professional employment within 6 months of graduation is within 0.01 of 0.85".four students see this adverstisement, including the footnote, and interpret the ad in different ways.alex: "they are 95% confident that 85% of students will go on to achieve professional employment within 6 months."barbara: "they know that 85% of students will go on to achieve professional employment within 6 months."chris: "they know that somewhere between 84% and 86% of students will go on to achieve professional employment within 6 months."donna: "they are 95% confident that somewhere between 84% and 86% of students will go on to achieve professional employment within 6 months."the student that has the most correct interpretation is: select one: a. barbarab. alexc. chrisd. donna

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