18.02.2021 • 

There are 20 pirates living on the Flightless Folly Ship. 25% of them are responsible for keeping the decks clean. How many pirates are responsible for keeping the deck clean? Ship. 25% of them are responsible for keeping the decks clean. How many pirates are responsible for keeping the deck clean? I Captain Perguinbought 150 crackers for his pet parrot. He ate 10% of them himself. How many crackers did Captain Perguineat?

BradburnScar caught 35 fish with his net. 20% of the fish had to be thrown back into the sea because they were too small. How many fish did Bradburnthrow back to sea?

The Flightless Folly ship has 20 pirates aboard. 12 of those pirates wear an eye patch. What percentage of pirates wear an eye patch on the Flightless Folly?

Among the 20 pirates of the Flightless Folly crew, 4 of them own a pet crab each. What percentage of pirates on board the ship own a pet crab?

Shaw Hogan was ordered to peel 200 potatoes. So far he has peeled 30% of the potatoes. How many more potatoes does Shaw still have to peel?

Jack Talon Uolled 82 baUUelV onWo Whe Vhip·V deck. 50% of those barrels were empty. How many empty barrels did Jack roll onto the Vhip·V deck?

Jack Talon Uolled 82 baUUelV onWo Whe Vhip·V deck. 50% of those barrels were empty. How many empty barrels did Jack roll onto the Vhip·V deck?

There were 1,000 gold coins in the treasure chest. Each pirate received 5% of the loot. How many gold coins did each pirate get?

Captain Perguinhad 90 bottles of boot polish in his cargo. Unfortunately, Flint Sparrow accidentally spilt 9 of them all over the deck. What percentage of boot polish bottles did Flint spill?

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