21.09.2020 • 

There are a number of seismic recordings from earthquakes and from mining explosions in astsa. All of the data are in the dataframe eqexp, but two specific recordings are in EQ5 and EXP6, the fifth earthquake and the sixth explosion, respec- tively. The data represent two phases or arrivals along the surface, denoted by P (t = 1,...,1024) and S (t = 1025, ..., 2048), at a seismic recording station. The recording instruments are in Scandinavia and monitor a Russian nuclear testing site. The general problem of interest is in distinguishing between these waveforms in order to maintain a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty. To compare the earthquake and explosion signals, (a) Plot the two series separately in a multifigure plot with two rows and one column.
(b) Plot the two series on the same graph using different colors or different line types.
(c) In what way are the earthquake and explosion series different?

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