08.03.2021 • 

These mods keep on deleting my questions and people keep on reporting me for no reason this has been happening for the longest plz stop I did nothing wrong I lost all of my points I had 600 points now I’m at 21 I also got my 4th warning if I get another one my acc will be deleted if my acc gets deleted I’m not making a new acc I’ll be leaving for good and never use it again this not right I hate this keeps on happening to me stop plz now I gotta answer questions to get my points back I don’t want to do all of that I’m this has made me cry I know it’s dum mods u need to be fired all of u I know this question gonna get deleted this same thing happened to me this Friday also it happens to me everyday if anyone know another homework helper similar to plz let me know I’m done with worst site ever

These mods keep on deleting my questions and people keep on reporting me for no reason this has bee
These mods keep on deleting my questions and people keep on reporting me for no reason this has bee
These mods keep on deleting my questions and people keep on reporting me for no reason this has bee
These mods keep on deleting my questions and people keep on reporting me for no reason this has bee
These mods keep on deleting my questions and people keep on reporting me for no reason this has bee

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