30.10.2020 • 

These scatterplots represent the monthly sales and advertising costs of a company. Which trend line is the best fit for the data? A graph with ad costs (1,000 dollars) on the x-axis, and sales (1,000 dollars) on the y-axis. Points are grouped together and increase. A line with positive slope is drawn through 2 points. There are 7 points above the line, and 1 below.
A graph with ad costs (1,000 dollars) on the x-axis, and sales (1,000 dollars) on the y-axis. Points are grouped together and increase. A horizontal line goes through the points.
A graph with ad costs (1,000 dollars) on the x-axis, and sales (1,000 dollars) on the y-axis. Points are grouped together and increase. A vertical line goes through the points.
A graph with ad costs (1,000 dollars) on the x-axis, and sales (1,000 dollars) on the y-axis. Points are grouped together and increase. A line with positive slope is drawn through 2 points. There are 4 points above the line and 4 points below.

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