14.11.2019 • 

this my family is going to visit my grane
my mother was driving when we got to san francisco
"i'm lost. does anyone know how to get to grandma's he
she said that we were at a corner only one block west of
when we were trapped by the one-way streets. we couldn't
go three blocks south until we could find a street going ea
blocks until we could turn north. two blocks north was a dead e
asked me for . what is the most direct route i should tell my
and cross out the information that is not needed
mother who just recently moved to from the
isce. i wasn't paying any attention until he
ba's house from here? when i asked what
t of the corner where grandmother's a
an't iust drive the one block. no. first, we bar
st. then it took us through a tunnel for tous
dead end. my mother turned west and then
wallbeard he was
asked what happened
odmother's apartment was
should tell my mother?

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