05.07.2021 • 

Three Different Letters Are To Be Mailed To 3 Persons. If The Three Letters Are To Be Put At Random Into Three Envelopes Addressed To The Persons, List The Six Possible Ways In Which This Can Be Done. If X Represents The Number Of Letters In Their Correct Envelopes, Deduce The Probability Distribution Of X. B. A Random Variable X Can Assume Only The This problem has been solved!

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a. Three different letters are to be mailed to 3 persons. If the three letters are to be put at random into three envelopes addressed to the persons, list the six possible ways in which this can be done. If X represents the number of letters in their correct envelopes, deduce the probability distribution of X.

b. A random variable X can assume only the values 2 and 5. If it’s mean is 4, find the probability of these points.

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