24.11.2020 • 

To support a local senior citizens center, a student club sent a flyer home to the n students in the school. The flyer said, "Please bring in money to support the senior citizens center. Paper money and coins accepted!" Their goal is to raise T dollars. Match each quantity to an expression, an equation, or an inequality that describes it. A: the dollar amount the club would have if they reached half of their goal 1: B: the dollar amount the club would have if every student at the school donated 50 cents to the cause 2: C: the dollar amount the club could donate if they made $50 more than their goal 3: D: the dollar amount the club would still need to raise to reach its goal after every student at the school donated 50 cents 4: E: the dollar amount the club would have if half of the students at the school each gave 50 cents 5: Which statement matches with T + 50?

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