06.05.2021 • 

To the person who keeps spamming links. I have a question for you. Why do you do it? When I search something, I’m looking for answers. It’s honestly really annoying. I just want to know why you do it. If you need points, just answer some questions. It’s not that hard. I’m sure there’s some questions your capable of answering. If there’s none, it’s kinda just sad. I’m starting to think you or one of you has multiple accounts. You all start with the same letters. It’s either “Am” or “AN” not too smart if you thought no one would catch on. Just please let us get some actual answers because I really am looking for actual answers. I don’t understand why you guys do this in the first place. I don’t see you asking any questions. It looks like you guys just get points, just so that you can have them. You honestly don’t deserve the points if you get them this way. Just be practical and give the answer. I’d you don’t know it, oh well. There’s so many answers. Also, if you put a link on any of my posts, I’m reporting.

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